Intel Cyclone V SoC SE series / Compact Module


Feature Details
Device Family Intel Cyclone Ⅴ SoC SE (*1)
CPU Core Arm Cortex A9
Total Cores
2 (5CSEBA6U19C8N)
Frequency 600MHz
L1 Cache 32kB for Instruction, 32kB for Data
L2 Cache 512kB
Memory & Storage Main Memory (HPS) DDR3-1866, 1GB, 32bit
I/O Ethernet 1port, 10/100/1000BASE-T, RJ-45
USB (UART) 1port, UART-USB (Device), Micro-AB
microSD 1socket, for FPGA configuration and HPS Boot
GPIO (HPS) 4signals, 2.54mm pin-header
GPIO (FPGA) 4signals, 2.54mm pin-header
SE GPIO (FPGA) 20signals, Single End, through-hole
DIF GPIO (FPGA) 12signals, Differential, 6 for Tx, 6 for Rx, through-hole
Others Dip Switch 4bit
Special Features Equipped with FPGA core power observation points
for SIDE-CHANNEL-ATTACK countermeasure research (*3)
Power Supply Supply Voltage DC5V±5%
Power Inlet DC jack or Add-on connector
Mechanical Dimensions 110mm × 80mm (excluding protrusions)
Operating Temperature 0 to 40℃ (*2)
Non-Operating Temp. -10 to 65℃
Humidity under 95%RH, non-condensing
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Intel, the Intel logo, and Intel Cyclone are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.
The TM and ® marks may be omitted at the time of description.


(*1) In addition to the FPGA model numbers listed in the table, the Cyclone V SoC SE series with different numbers of logic elements, speed grades, and CPU cores can also be mounted.
(*2) Extended temperature range version is also available.
(*3) A version without bypass capacitors for FPGA core power supply is also available.
  Please contact us for applications for research into countermeasures against side-channel attacks.